Introducing StackCare to an elderly relative
Mum, Dad, Grandparents unsure about installing StackCare?
We at StackCare understand that elderly adults are sometimes not at ease with modern technology and consequently push back on new ideas and suggestions, many of which could really improve their quality of life.
They are worried about losing their autonomy, their freedom, their identity; furthermore, they worry about being ‘invaded’ or ‘spied on’ and, understandably, they are concerned about their privacy.
Yet you, the adult child, seek peace of mind, and are therefore keen to find a system that offers you valuable and reliable support in caring for your elderly loved one. You have no intention of ‘spying’ on your parent, you just want to stop worrying at all times of the day about how they are doing and whether you would be able to get them to help if and when they need it.
Based on our research, we have put together a series of positive points that are helpful when explaining StackCare to your elderly loved ones.
We have collated some helpful answers for a conversation with your mum or dad, with all the push-back arguments we generally encounter.